Braktec Monobloc 4 Pot Front Calliper Complete - Red Pots

Stock Code: AJP/365042M00

RRP: £161.88

4 In Stock

Braktec 4 Pot Monoblock Front Caliper Evo 4 

Red Piston Pots

Braktec Part # 365042M00

Color: Dark Grey

Piston Pots: Red

Type: 4 pistons Monobloc

Pads: FD511

Piston Seal Kit: 853078MO0

Bleeder: 326000MO0

Banjo: 8mm

The latest improved design Braktec calliper with the single pin for retaining the pads.

Single piece monobloc calliper to reduce flex and improve braking power.

4 piston front brake caliper to fit all modern trials bikes, uses a M8 threaded connection, comes complete with brake pads.

Anodised in dark grey with bright red caps.

If retro fitting this calliper to your bike, please be aware that it uses a special banjo bolt with holes drilled mid way down the bolt, see related parts.
This calliper works best with a 2.9mm thick disc, some Montesa bikes use a thicker 3.5mm disc.


This Braktec Caliper can be used on most trials bikes from the late 90's onwards 
(as far as mounts go on LHS fork leg). Just note it has an M8 brake line fitting though. 
Many earlier bikes with the split block 4 piston AJP caliper, or even earlier 2 piston 
AJP caliper all used a M10 fitting on their hoses. 

So to use it on these earlier bikes you need to upspec the hose as well.


Fairly much anything from 90's onwards as long as calliper is left side mounted.

GasGas Part CodeBT62000GG-CSV-1
Montesa / Honda Part45100-NN4-N60
EM Part CodeTL01J-20217-00-0
TRS Part Code70384
Vertigo Part CodeV-1561

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